YOUTH 12-18

We want to help young people grow into devoted disciples of Jesus so they can, in turn, share Jesus with their friends and the people around them.


Youth meet at the following times:

  • Every 1st Sunday: 12-14s small groups @ 10:30 to 11:30 in the Redeemer Centre
  • Every 2nd Sunday: 12-18s youth service @ 17:00 to 19:00 in the Redeemer Centre 
  • Every 3rd Saturday: 12-18s youth social @ 17:00 to 19:00. Location TBC each month
  • And there are midweek lifegroups for 15-18s.


Are you between 12-18 years old, currently in high school and would you like to join? Or are you the parent of a teenager, and would you like some more information about Redeemer Youth? We would love to hear from you! You can send an email to


During the summer holidays we join Newday, a big youth camping event in the UK that takes place every summer for six days.