In Redeemer we want to worship God with our entire lives, including finances. As Christ followers, the key principles around giving money are that we do it regularly, sacrificially, and joyfully.
Giving is about putting God first, and remembering that all things in heaven and on earth are his. And it is a step of faith, trusting that God will use the money for his Kingdom through the church.
You are welcome in Redeemer whether or not you give anything financially, but we would love you join us as we seek to ‘excel in the grace of giving’ (2 Cor 8:7).
As a church we hold to 5 key values about financial giving. As with everything else, we want to have a view of giving money that is completely rooted in Scripture. Therefore, these key values are not unique to Redeemer; they would apply to every church that seeks to have a Biblical practice in terms of giving money to the church.
Value 1: God provides for Redeemer.
Ultimately, it is God who provides for our needs as a church; it is not people. God will always provide for what he calls us to do. This is such an important value. If we did not have this value in place it would be so easy to move towards a focus and pressure on people to supply our needs. Yes, of course – God does use the regular giving of people as a vital means to provide for the needs of the church… BUT, God is still the source of provision.
[This same principle applies to us as individuals – God may use a salary, Government help, or another type of allowance to provide for us but it is still him that provides. If for whatever reason a job comes to an end or circumstances change for us, we can rest in the assurance that God will still provide for us even if his means of doing it changes!]
Value 2: You don’t have to give any money to be welcome in Redeemer.
People are valued in Redeemer not according to what they give or don’t give. Everyone is valued in Redeemer because God loves and values them. If people are Christians and consider Redeemer as their ‘home church’ we would love them to give because we want them to obey Jesus and grow as a follower of him. But, Christian or enquirer, Redeemer member or just a visitor, all are valued regardless of whether they give anything or not.
Value 3: Giving reflects our worship to God.
We either worship money (and what we think money can bring us), or we worship God with our money. How we handle the money that God entrusts us with is a direct reflection of our worship of God. Do we love God? Do we trust him with our lives’? Is he of first importance in our hearts? If the answer to these questions is yes, then our financial giving should reflect these truths.
Value 4: As Christians we have the privilege of giving.
Financial giving to the church is not a tax on being a Christian! It is not a necessary evil in the midst all the good things that God gives us. Quite the opposite is true. Paul writes to the Corinthian church and encourages them to ‘excel in the grace of giving’ (2 Cor. 8:7). As Christians we do not have to give money, we get to give money. It is a vital part of us growing as Christians that we learn to give as God calls us to. As we learn to excel in the grace of giving we learn so much more about ourselves and God. We learn to trust God more and depend on his provision in our lives.
Value 5: How much you give is up to you.
There are no rules in the New Testament about how much we should give. In the Old Testament, the people of God would give (among other special offerings and gifts) a ‘tithe’ which represented 10% of their income.
The New Testament gives no rules about financial giving to the Church. It does, however, give some very clear principles including:
- Give regularly (eg. 1 Cor 16:2).
- Give joyfully (eg. 2 Cor 9:7).
- Give sacrificially (eg. 2 cor 9:6-12).
With everything taken into consideration, ‘tithing’, remains a great principle, and a very good place to start from in terms of choosing how much to give.
There are 2 ways to give to Redeemer.
- You can put cash into the ‘Giving Box’ on a Sunday.
- You can give by a bank transfer (bank transfers have tax benefits when you fill in your tax return).
To give you a simple overview of our budget it comes down to the following percentages:
- 55 % Staff
- 15% Meeting Expenses
- 15% Giving to those in need and church planting
- 15% Office, Travel and General Expenses
For a full overview of our finances we publish a Financial Overview on the website each year. You can find this here.
As an ANBI organisation, gifts to Redeemer International Church qualify for Dutch tax exemption as outlined by the Dutch tax law.
This means that all the gifts given to Redeemer can be deducted from your income which is taxed by the government. Depending on your annual income this could mean that you receive up to 52% back of the amount given to Redeemer.
Your donations are deductible if the total amount is at least 1% of your income. The maximum amount is 10% of your gross annual income. If you have a partner then both incomes are taken together.
You have to prove that you did the donations. A copy of the bank receipt will be sufficient.
What if I give more than 10%?
If you want to give more then 10% of your gross income on a yearly basis, it is possible to get tax back on what you give too.
Since last year all you need to do is to fill in a 5-year agreement with the church on the total amount you will give each year and then the full amount is deductible.
You no longer have to go to a notary to make this happen. If you need some help with this or want more information please don’t hesitate to contact the staff team for more info on this.
Every year we have at least one gift day. The reason we have these gift days is to give up and above what we do on a monthly basis and these days are focussed at giving to specific projects or seasons that we go through as a church.
Please find all our official publications on this page.